
Blog post 5

 Hello everyone! To begin with, I would like to tell you that I study social work at the faculty of social sciences. Although, there is an attempt to meet the needs of students, it does not always work, in this sense there should be several changes in my program of study. In the first place, the academic load has been increasing more and more and there is little coordination among the professors so that the evaluations do not all come together at the same time, which generates a very stressful situation for the students, having to fulfill many obligations on very tight dates, so I would like there to be a stricter coordination and planning to be followed in favor of the students. Secondly, the teaching methods are not always the best, since many of the professionals who work in universities do not have a real vocation as teachers, therefore, they do not have pedagogical practices or methods that help us, I think this is something that should be reinforced among the professionals who tr

Blog post 4

 I never think about the past or the future as places I would like to go. First of all, if we go back to the past and change the slightest decision we think is the right one, that could perhaps change the whole course of our life and I panic, not being able to recognize my own life once I go back to the present (my own theory of course haha). Anyway, it seems to me more interesting to be able to travel to the future, something like 50 or 100 years, because it is something that I can't imagine, something new and unstudied, since in the present there are many issues that we have to study, however, if we could find different issues and problems that may be solved in the future, It would be very interesting to see how the country has advanced socially, and within this, the ideal of a future technology, which in my opinion is already very much the present, we could find more technological devices that make our lives easier, and see how this affects or benefits certain sectors. What inte

Blog post 3

 Hello everyone! Today I am going to tell you about my dream job. When I was little, my dream was to work as a teacher, I longed for that dream, to teach children subjects related to language and history, which have always been my favorite subjects. When I grew up this idea moved away from me a little bit, and I became very interested in the social area, social issues, social struggles, among others. I wasn't so clear about my purpose until I decided to study Social Work and to this day I still believe that my dream job is to be a social worker. The skills needed to work in social work are many, creating a critical thinking, positioning oneself from different approaches, views, etc.. And above all to have a good academic background. The salary earned by social workers varies a lot depending on the area in which you are working. I imagine myself working in some area with school children, either in a program, intervention or research, creating mechanisms so that students can continue

Blog post 2

Hello everyone!! In today´s blog I will tell you about the best vacation of my life  In the summer of this year 2023, we went with my family to the south, specifically to the city of Villarrica, which is located in the ninth region of La Araucanía. We stayed in a very uncrowded area, where there was a lot of silence and you could rest without the noise of cars or people, you felt a real connection with nature. We did a great tour of eight days, where we went to visit other cities near Villarrica. On one of those days we went to Lake Caburga, without a doubt one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen, its waters were warm and it was completely surrounded by mountains with big trees and bushes. There were inflatable games in the water and it was a lot of fun to play on them. Near the lake, there was a tourist sector called "the eyes of Caburga", they were very powerful waterfalls that fed the main lake, its waters were blue and it was surrounded by a beautiful forest. Th

Blog post 1

  I would like to travel to Italy. It is located in the continent of Europe. It is divided into 21 regions and its capital is Rome. I would like to travel to this country for its gastronomy, since I am a fan of the masses. Italian cuisine is very famous for its dishes such as pizza, pasta and risotto. In general, I know very little about Italy and for the same reason I am very interested in getting to know it, there I would like to taste the gastronomy and visit the specifically catholic chairs since it is very outstanding for its great architecture.  I would like to study there, to get to know a new culture, live new experiences and share with people different ideas about their vision of the world and Social Work, as there is a very different social fabric in each country and it is interesting to look at it from other perspectives. 


 Hello, my name is Maryorie Molina, i am from Santiago, La Pintana. I have 21 years old. My colors favorite is blue. I am studyng Social Work in Faculty Ciencias Social, Universidad de Chile.  My favorite activity is going to the gym. I live whit my family in Pablo de Rocka. I have two sisters and one brother. Noemi, who is 3 years old, Lenny 15 and Jennifer who is 18 years old.  I have two cats, Bellota and Maki. 🐱🐱