Blog post 2

Hello everyone!!
In today´s blog I will tell you about the best vacation of my life 

In the summer of this year 2023, we went with my family to the south, specifically to the city of Villarrica, which is located in the ninth region of La Araucanía. We stayed in a very uncrowded area, where there was a lot of silence and you could rest without the noise of cars or people, you felt a real connection with nature.
We did a great tour of eight days, where we went to visit other cities near Villarrica. On one of those days we went to Lake Caburga, without a doubt one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen, its waters were warm and it was completely surrounded by mountains with big trees and bushes. There were inflatable games in the water and it was a lot of fun to play on them. Near the lake, there was a tourist sector called "the eyes of Caburga", they were very powerful waterfalls that fed the main lake, its waters were blue and it was surrounded by a beautiful forest.

The best of this vacation were the beautiful landscapes that the South of Chile gives us.


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