Blog post 3

 Hello everyone! Today I am going to tell you about my dream job.

When I was little, my dream was to work as a teacher, I longed for that dream, to teach children subjects related to language and history, which have always been my favorite subjects. When I grew up this idea moved away from me a little bit, and I became very interested in the social area, social issues, social struggles, among others. I wasn't so clear about my purpose until I decided to study Social Work and to this day I still believe that my dream job is to be a social worker. The skills needed to work in social work are many, creating a critical thinking, positioning oneself from different approaches, views, etc.. And above all to have a good academic background. The salary earned by social workers varies a lot depending on the area in which you are working.

I imagine myself working in some area with school children, either in a program, intervention or research, creating mechanisms so that students can continue their educational development without any economic, social and family barriers, and can enjoy the full right to education.


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